Zucchini, Zucchini Everywhere…

Of all the plants that we put in the garden this year, the zucchini has done beautifully. We planted 24 plants, and every single one came up and is producing like mad! Our garden pretty much consists of corn and zucchini this year as nothing else really survived. We...

The Generosity of Friends…

Recently, I had surgery on my right hand and wrist. I was sent home with restrictions from lifting anything with that hand or even holding my cell phone. I am ambidextrous, with everything but writing, so it has not been as hard for me as it would have been for some....

Disgruntled Believer

I wasn’t really sure what to title this, because I am not a disgruntled believer as far as my relationship with God goes. What I am disgruntled with is other believers or people who call themselves believers…it is not my place to judge. I am especially...