Forgiveness is easy when the one committing the offense recognizes their wrong and is genuinely remorseful and committed to reconciliation. But what about when they feel justified in their actions? What then? How do you forgive when you are are the victim and you are still hurting and filled with disappointment? What about if you are still angry?

I have encountered that recently and am struggling to forgive. My heart desires to forgive, because it is my nature and because I know that God calls us to it, but my heart is still hurt. The offense wasn’t just against me, but against our family and our family’s business. The hurt that occurred were lies and deception, but the offender doesn’t think that they were wrong. For me, what it comes down to is this, whether or not they feel sorry for their actions, or whether or not they apologize…I still need to forgive. I need to put my heart in the right place before God. I am just struggling to do that because in some small way, I feel like I have the “right” to hold onto that anger for a while.

But anger doesn’t feel good. It makes you feel stuck. Anger is heavy and ugly. It is a stumbling block. I want to give it to God because I desire to follow Him with my whole heart and I want to be free of the weighty burden. It’s a struggle though between my heart and my mind…I am just conflicted on how to move forward.