Graduation is an exciting time! The feeling of finally being “done” with school, although you’re never really done learning. The thought of walking across the stage/platform in the presence of your friends and family to receive the much sought after diploma. The excitement of the party that will be held in your honor fills your head. For the seniors graduating in the year 2020, all of that came to a screeching halt with the coming of Covid-19. Quarantine became a new way of “living”, businesses were shut down, graduations postponed or canceled. Slowly things began to open back up, but with a whole new set of guidelines. Some people believed the need for these, others didn’t. Record numbers of deaths occurred. It is and was a world changed.

Everyone that knew a graduate did all they could to try and make it special for them. The creativity that came about as a result of this was nothing short of amazing.

Our “J” was one of those graduates…she pushed herself hard and graduated at the age of 17 from homeschool. Even she was effected by all of the governmental shutdowns because of limitations on numbers of people at gatherings and fear over what could happen. Our homeschool group finally came up with a way to have the kids graduate, while honoring the guidelines and all things considered, I think things went pretty well.

The graduation party was another thing that had to be creatively put together. We were under restrictions as to how many people you could have in a given area. Thankfully, we had the space to adhere to that and still have a really good time. We had a kickball field out front, parking in the back, a bonfire to keep warm by (since it was fall), woods to walk in, and lots of food.